A 'simulation' is an artificial environment in which a particular set of conditions is created in order to study or experience something that exists or could exist in reality. (see research).
In these simulations 'playing a role' is meant in 4 senses:
1. as in playing a game to have fun
2. as in playing a character in a theatre play
3. as in playing with possibilities
4. as in playing music with others
Role Play and Simulations have been around for a long time. They have been used for educational and training purposes, for military strategic and tactical analysis and simply as games. We role play in childhood - imitating our parents, playing with dolls and cars, build sand castles and pretend we are princes and warriors - with the result that learning takes place which prepares us for life.
If you would like to know more about the pedagogical foundations of our Web-Based Role-Play Simulations see our Research Papers on Simulations.