Roni Linser is a philosopher, musician, educator, and web-designer. He has designed the role play simulation platform Fablusi @trade; with Albert Ip which ran role play simulations in the education and training sector for over 20 years. Currently he designs role play simulation for higher education using the Slack platform. He is a former lecturer in Political Science at the University of Melbourne, with an M.A. in Educational Technology from the Open University in Israel and is currently doing an M.A. in Philosophy and Digital Culture at the Cohen Institute at Tel Aviv University. His interests always focused on the themes of communication, power and emotion in social interaction. He has provided design, development, authoring, and moderation of role-play simulations over the last two decades in many varied academic contexts and delivered numerous professional workshops for higher levels of education and training, including Oxford University, INSEAD, The US and Australian armies. He has used online role plays in his own teaching for over 12 years at Melbourne University and delivered and published papers and articles in conferences and refereed journals on the subject of simulation pedagogy, E-learning, role-play design and moderation (see research).
The social world in which we all live is a myriad of communicative interactions based on the perspectives through which different actors view it. From childhood we learn these perspectives as well as how to act in the world by playing, make-belief, imitation, making up imaginary worlds and acting in them. The result is that we learn about the world from these experiences.
Role playing is the deepest and most powerful way of learning. It harnesses our sense of identity, our experience and our imagination. It enables us to imaginatively experience being someone else, doing things we would not do in our normal life. It powerfully imposes on us the need to reflect and consequently learn about ourselves, the material we are learning about, and possible contexts which we may find ourselves in the real world. For more information see our Research Papers
The current site is where you will find some of the current and previous political simulations I have helped design and moderate. I have been involved with many educational institutions providing a learning experience to thousands of students.
The current Slack software enables the creation and smooth operation of custom made on-line role-play simulations on the latest web technology.